National Donate Life Blue & Green Day is part of Donate Life America’s National Donate Life Month — observed in April each year, National Donate Life Month features an entire month of activities to help encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to honor those that have saved lives through the gift of donation. For National Donate Life Month 2020, Donate Life America was inspired the springtime scene of a garden. A garden and insects within it serve as symbols of hope, courage and transformed life— themes found within the donation and transplantation journey.
So April is a very special month not only for me but for my mother as well. April is National Donate Life Month and today is Blue & Green Day. We’re both kidney transplant recipients. This year for me will be 15 years post-kidney transplant and 21 years for my mother. We couldn’t be more thankful for our donors at giving us a second chance at life. In the video below my mom and I discuss further on why we celebrate National Donate Life Month and what it means to us. We will like to give a special shout out to our friends and extended family over at Midsouth Transplant Foundation. We are honored to continue to partner with you all and share our transplant stories in the hopes of inspiring and educating others about organ donation. Be sure you guys go register to become organ donors today! For more information visit www.midsouthtransplant.org . Learn how you can save a life and be a blessing to someone else if something unfortunate was to happen to you.
Thank you guys too much for all the love and support over the years and the feedback you’ve given me on this blog I really appreciate you guys from the bottom of my heart. You guys always asked me to do a video with my mom discussing our journey, well here you go! Disclaimer, y’all call me silly? Just wait until you see my mom lol! Enjoy the video.
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And remember,
"ALWAYS believe in yourself, because I know I believe in you."
Take Care,
I just love my blessed family